
I would like to share WARNING for all of you, especially with MDR1 -/- dogs (my Eny is also MDR1 -/-). In last few days we came through scaring experience with our female Ankara Bila Kaífa "Eny". She got deworming pills PROFENDER (Bayer producer). Vet doc who gave it to her was informed about her MDR1 status - unfortunatelly in that case human factor failed. Eny had strong reaction to PROFENDER and colapsed. Her body was shaking and she had mouth full of lather. We immediately took her to vet clinic. In time when we reached the clinic Eny struggled with spasm and her brain started to swell. Thanks to very experienced staff Eny’s life was saved. This topic is not written to cause panic about MDR1 (in near future we are not able to solve this breed problem and MDR1 status should not bet the only factor for breeding), but please BE VERY CAREFULL OF YOUR DOGS - repeat everytime info about MDR1 to your vet doc and ask leaflet TO EVERY MEDICAMENTS you must give to your dogs. Please, share info about PROFENDER to other collie and sheltie owners!

Eny was saved and now feels well. Thanks God!